Search £rms do not market you, they work for employers and usually only have speci£c “job orders” or “contracts” with those employers to help £ll certain positions. Do not waste time in your job search by thinking that recruiters will go to work for you and £nd you a job. Instead, send your résumé to hundreds of search £rms in hopes that one or two or more of them will be currently handling positions that £t your quali£cations or career goals. Do not think that you should limit yourself to contacting only recruiters working or living in your region. Often, the recruiters that handle the best jobs in your area do not live or work in your area. Local recruiters rarely handle top executive and professional positions. In the age of plane travel, fax machines, e-mail, and the Internet, it is not at all necessary or even true that the recruiters you work with should be located in your town. Recruiters and search £rms will handle your résumé con£dentially. They will not present your name or résumé to anyone without your speci£c permission. It is a good idea to cultivate a handful of good relationships with recruiters that you will maintain throughout your career. To £nd recruiters, you will want to use a directory. Many are found on LinkedIn and remain active in the groups in which they are likely to encounter physicians.