Tasmania Police has an Internal Investigations Unit (IIU) responsible for the investigation and management of complaints against police. Oversight of the Tasmania Police during the period of this study (2008-2010) was exclusively provided by the Ombudsman. Tasmania is another state where serious police corruption and misconduct have not appeared to have developed in any organised or recurring form. One of the most serious corruption cases involved charges of drug tra•cking against Northern Drug Bureau o•cers in 1999 (Prenzler, 2011). Concerns have also been expressed about con¢icts of interest in police investigating police. However, corruption allegations have been focused on politicians, especially in recent years, resulting in the establishment in 2010 of a new Integrity Commission, including jurisdiction over police. e Commission has investigative powers, but its primary emphasis is on education and advisory services for public sector institutions. In relation to police, the Commission’s investigative work will focus on allegations of serious misconduct by senior police o•cers.