Introduction ­e sports business has been dramatically changed across the past two decades. A series of “this changes everything” innovations and events involving labor relations, facility development, media, and revenue generation have occurred. ­ese changes require students to have a very di¦erent knowledge base and perspective as they seek jobs with the horizontally and vertically organized teams that today are real estate corporations, entertainment businesses, and, in some instances, media corporations. At the heart of each of these conglomerates is a team. But, how each owner operates his or her franchise and plans for its ‰nancial success depends on how the corporation’s managers maximize revenue streams related to team operations, the media, real estate in and around facilities, and entertainment options at facilities. Each of these revenue streams grows when fans enjoy enhanced experiences. ­ose teams, with managers who understand how best to provide those experiences, maximize revenues. ­ose managers who lack the necessary skills will ‰nd fewer and fewer employment opportunities. ­is book is organized to provide you with the base of knowledge the twenty-‰rst century manager needs to maximize revenues and succeed in what has become the very dynamic world of sports management and ‰nance.