ROBBERY DEFINED Robbery is o’entimes confused with burglary. A typical scenario in Anytown, USA, is upon returning home from vacation a family ”nds that their residence has been broken into. ey call the police department and report that they have been robbed. In actuality they have not been robbed; rather, they have been burglarized. ere is a distinct di—erence between burglary and robbery. So what is robbery? Robbery is de”ned as using force or the threat of force to commit the’ from an individual. More speci”cally, according to the Texas Penal Code (§29.02), a person commits a robbery if, in the course of committing the’ and


A’er reading this chapter, you should be able to do the following:

1. Identify the criminal elements of robbery. 2. Di—erentiate the di—erent categories of robbery. 3. Identify the actors and accomplices in a robbery. 4. Comprehend the various methods used to investigate robberies.