Introduction 301 Development of criteria 301 Application of microbiological criteria 304 Responsibility of food businesses 304 Role of competent authorities 305

Sampling plans, limits and analytical methods 306 Appropriate level of protection and food safety

objectives 309 Summary 311 Sources of information and further reading 311

The purpose of establishing microbiological criteria is to protect the health of the consumer by providing safe, sound and wholesome products, and to meet the requirements of fair practices in trade. Microbiological criteria provide guidance on the acceptability of food - stuffs and their manufacturing processes. Microbio - logical testing alone cannot guarantee the safety of the foodstuff, but criteria for interpreting test results provide objectives and reference points to assist food business operators (FBOs) and competent authorities in their activities to manage and monitor the safety of foodstuffs. Of equal, or greater, importance is the use of Good Hygiene Practice, in conjunction with the application of Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) principles, to ensure that undesirable organisms are eliminated as far as is practical. Microbiological criteria can be used in validation and verification of HACCP procedures and other hygiene control measures.