PREFIXES are most often used to create NOUNS from nouns, ADJECTIVES from adjectives, and VERBS from nouns, adjectives or other verbs:

prefixes der Instinkt instinct → der Urinstinkt original instinct interessant interesting → uninteressant uninteresting stören disturb → zerstören destroy groß big, large → vergrößern enlarge

SUFFIXES are most often used to create NOUNS from adjectives or verbs, and ADJECTIVES from nouns or verbs. They are less common in forming verbs:

by changing a vowel

Umlaut occurs very often in word formation, sometimes in combination with a SUFFIX:

Other vowel changes in word formation relate to the changes in the tenses of strong verbs. They are usually found with the ROOTS of STRONG VERBS, sometimes with a SUFFIX as well:

by compounding

Compounding involves putting two (or more) words together to form a new word. It is most commonly used to form NOUNS, but there are compound adjectives and verbs, too:

suffixes krank ill → die Krankheit illness bedeuten mean → die Bedeutung meaning der Freund friend → freundlich friendly denken think → denkbar thinkable das Ideal ideal → idealisieren idealize

der Arzt doctor → die Ärztin woman doctor der Bart beard → bärtig bearded der Druck pressure → drücken press scharf sharp → schärfen sharpen

strong verb vowel changes beißen bite → der Biss bite

→ bissig biting, vicious binden bind, tie → das Band ribbon, bond

→ das Bündnis alliance schwingen swing → der Schwung swing, impetus

→ schwungvoll spirited

compounding der Staub saugen dust suck → der Staubsauger vacuum cleaner der Rat das Haus council house → das Rathaus town hall hell blau light blue → hellblau light blue die Brust schwimmen breast swim → brustschwimmen do breast-stroke

11.2 The formation of nouns PREFIXES used to form nouns usually narrow down the meaning of the root noun in some


Many other ‘augmentative’ prefixes are common in colloquial German, indicating that something is huge, enormous or important, often excessively so, e.g. Affengeschwindigkeit, Bombengeschäft, Heidenlärm, Höllendurst, Mordsapparat, Spitzenbelastung, Superhit, Teufelskerl, Topmanager.