The following plural forms are found in formal styles, but in informal styles -s alone is added, which the Academy considers correct:

el bisturí-los bisturíes scalpel el zulú-los zulúes Zulu hindú-hindúes (Asian) Indian el tabú-los tabúes taboo pakistaní-pakistaníes Pakistani el jacarandá-los jacarandaes jacaranda tree

(i) Several common words always simply add - s: papá-papás ‘father’/‘dad’, mamá-mamás ‘mother’, ‘mum’/‘mom’, el sofá-los sofás ‘sofa’/‘couch’, el menú-los menús ‘menu’ (usually ‘set menu’ in Sp.; la carta = ‘menu’), la interviú-las interviús, el tisú-los tisús ‘(paper) tissues’, el champúlos champús ‘shampoo’. But forms like champúes, menúes occur in the River Plate area.