Pronouns are words that qualify or replace a noun. They divide into several groups depending on their function in a sentence. See the indicated sections for information on each group: • Personal pronouns (☞ 14.1) replace nouns and function as nouns. • Reflexive pronouns (☞ 14.2) have a specific meaning of ‘-self ’ and point to the person who

acts in a sentence. • Possessive (☞ 14.4), demonstrative (☞ 14.5) and determinative (☞ 14.6) pronouns

qualify nouns or pronouns in a sentence. • Interrogative pronouns (☞ 14.7) are question words. • Relative pronouns (☞ 14.8) are an essential element of a type of subordinate clause called

‘relative’. Relative pronouns introduce a relative clause and can function as subject or object of a relative clause.