INCHOATE OFFENCES INDUSTRIAL ACTION R v Umran Javed (2007) Ministry of Justice v POA (2008) Sentences were reduced where Delaying pay increase was justified assembly was not premeditated despite restrictions on prison

officers associating

SERIOUS ORGANISED CRIME ELECTIONS Moase v Westminster Magistrates Ahmed v UK (2000) (2008) Art 10 not infringed when local Requirement to seek permission government officers were to demonstrate was Convention prevented from standing compliant

ALDERMASTON PEACE CAMP CLUBS Tabernacle v Minister of Defence RSPCA v Attorney-General (2002) (2009) Large charity could not arbitrarily The appellant’s Art 11 right of exclude unwanted groups from assembly was violated by the membership Minister of Defence

Articles 10 and 11 are frequently argued together in ECHR cases. Note that Art 11 has two distinct aspects, assembly and association, but often they are dealt with together.