Stomatitis is a general term used to describe an inflammation of the lining of the mouth, which can include the surface of the tongue. Polyps are most common on the lower lip but can also be found in the buccal mucosa, and less commonly on the side of the tongue where the teeth occlude. The mucosa is fiery red, and the tongue may lose its papillae and become smooth. Carcinoma of the tongue, like all squamous cell cancers of the upper aerodigestive tract, invades the local tissues and then spreads to the regional lymph nodes in the neck. Tumours on the base of the tongue may alter the quality of the voice, the patient developing a ‘hot potato’ speech. Site Polyps are most common on the lower lip but can also be found in the buccal mucosa, and less commonly on the side of the tongue where the teeth occlude.