An engineering system consists of an integration of several components such as sensors, transducers, signal-conditioning and modification devices, controllers, and a variety of other electronic and digital hardware. The performance and realization of intended purpose of the system depends on the performance of the individual components and how the components are interconnected. All devices that assist in the intended functions of an engineering system can be interpreted as components of the system. Activities related to system instrumentation such as prescription of the components for the system, selection of available components for a particular application, design of new components, and analysis of the system performance should rely heavily on performance specifications. The performance requirements have to be specified or established based on the functional needs of the overall system. These specifications are established in terms of the rating parameters (performance parameters) of the components. Some performance parameters are found in the product data sheet, which can be obtained from the manufacturer or vendor. For new developments of products, the required performance specifications have to be developed by the product development team (engineers, etc.) in consultation with the users, regulatory agencies, vendors, and so on.