Presenting a look at the modern evolution of statistical thermodynamics, this book provides a detailed overview of the statistical principles used to obtain the physical and thermodynamic properties of macroscopic systems. Going further than many advanced textbooks, it includes Bose-Einstein, Fermi-Dirac statistics, and lattice dynamics as well as applications in polaron theory, electronic gas in a magnetic field, thermodynamics of dielectrics, and magnetic materials in a magnetic field. The text also examines statistical thermodynamics using functional integration and Feynman path integrals. In addition, it features physical results and worked problems.

chapter 1|65 pages

Basic Principles of Statistical Physics

chapter 2|67 pages

Thermodynamic Functions

chapter 3|53 pages

Canonical Distribution

chapter 4|58 pages

Ideal Gases

chapter 5|58 pages

Quantum Statistics of Ideal Gases

chapter 6|24 pages

Electron Gas in a Magnetic Field

chapter 7|14 pages

Magnetic and Dielectric Materials

chapter 8|46 pages

Lattice Dynamics

chapter 9|18 pages

Condensed Bodies

chapter 10|14 pages

Multiphase Systems

chapter 12|14 pages

Nonideal Classical Gases