Definitions for selected acronyms and abbreviations used in the book: AIC = Akaike Information Criterion ANOVA = Analysis of Variance AR(1) = First-order Autoregressive (covariance structure) BIC = Bayes Information Criterion CS = Compound Symmetry (covariance structure) DIAG = Diagonal (covariance structure) det = Determinant df = Degrees of freedom (E)BLUE = (Empirical) Best Linear Unbiased Estimator (E)BLUP = (Empirical) Best Linear Unbiased Predictor (for random effects) EM = Expectation-Maximization (algorithm) EMMEANS = Estimated Marginal MEANS (from SPSS) GLS = Generalized Least Squares HET = Heterogeneous Variance Structure HLM = Hierarchical Linear Model ICC = Intraclass Correlation Coefficient LL = Log-likelihood LMM = Linear Mixed Model LRT = Likelihood Ratio Test LSMEANS = Least Squares MEANS (from SAS) MAR = Missing at Random ML = Maximum Likelihood MLM = Multilevel Model N-R = Newton-Raphson (algorithm) ODS = Output Delivery System (in SAS) OLS = Ordinary Least Squares REML = Restricted Maximum Likelihood UN = Unstructured (covariance structure) VC = Variance Components (covariance structure)