A survey means organized observation with the purpose of reaching conclusions in a scientific manner. Observation relates to a totality, called a Population or a Universe, and a part thereof is a Sample. It is possible and useful to survey a sample to make inferences concerning parameters that mean characteristics of a population. In survey sampling a parameter typically is an unknown real number. Using observed real values for a selected sample, a derived real number is proposed as a possible value of the unknown parametric value or as a point estimator. As an alternative, an interval with this point estimator within it along with two numbers on either side of it is claimed to contain within itself the unknowable parametric value with a reasonable claim for such an assertion to hold true. This is Interval Estimation. An organizer of a Sample Survey is assigned a task to explain how to choose a sample appropriately to justify the specification from the observed sample values a point estimator and an interval estimator in a way acceptable to a scientific community.