Endothe l i a l integrity is generally assessed by evaluating the vasodi lator response o f a b l o o d vessel or a vascular bed to an endothelium-dependent agonist (Nagao et al, 1992). Impaired endothelium-dependent relaxations have been reported i n different types o f b l o o d vessels o f different an imal models o f diabetes (De Vriese et al, 2000a). The majori ty o f the studies were performed i n large condui t arteries such as the aorta, and the endothelial dysfunction was generally attributed to a reduced p roduc t ion or increased inact ivat ion o f endothelium-derived N O , or to an overproduct ion o f endothelium-derived vasoconstrictors. Informat ion concerning endothelial cell dys­ function in the diabetic microvasculature is more l imi ted. In part icular , little attention has been pa id to the potential role o f an impaired release or act ion o f endotheliumderived hyperpolar iz ing factor ( E D H F ) i n diabetes.