This article gives an overview of pharmacokinetics and metabolism of 5-HTP; then it covers several clinical areas in which 5-HTP has been suggested to be at least partially therapeutic. First, we discuss studies on depression, from the early studies of the 1960s, which provided the first indications that 5-HTP could have an antidepressant property to a meta-analysis published in 2002. The use of combination=augmentation therapy (5-HTP þ antidepressants) will also be addressed. Second, we study the utilization of 5-HTP for its purported anorectic effect and potential application in obese individuals. Third, we examine the use of 5-HTP in several neurological disorders including different kinds of headaches, and its controversial use in

cerebellar ataxias. Fourth, we assess the side effect profile of 5-HTP, its frequency, severity, and duration, including the infrequent but potentially lethal condition, eosinophilia-myalgia syndrome. The entry ends with a summary and recommendations on the use of 5-HTP.