A database system is a computerized system whose overall purpose is to store and organize the data in a way that can be accessed, managed, and modified on demand. A database system becomes an important part of information management systems that enhances the ability of organizations to manage their important data in an easy way. A database system has many benefits that are described as follows:

• Reducing the amount of data redundancy by ensuring that the data are stored in one location and can be accessible to all authorized users

• Improving data access to users through use of host and query languages

• Enhancing data security • Decreasing data entry, storage, and retrieval costs • Allowing more flexibility for manipulating data • Presenting greater data integrity and independence from

applications programs The interaction between the user, other applications, and the

database itself can be performed through a software system called a database management system (DBMS) [1], which is specially designed to help the user to capture and analyze the stored data. The general purpose of the relational database management system is to be used as a tool to define, create, and manage the relational database.