Synonyms: Salmonelaps – Dowling in Dowling & Duellman, 1978 (nomen incorrectum), and Solomonelaps – O’Shea, 2007 (nomen incorrectum).

Type species: Hoplocephalus par Boulenger, 1884b. Distribution: Papua New Guinea and Solomons. Sources: Boulenger, 1888b, T. Barbour, 1921a, Kinghorn,

1928a, Burt & Burt, 1932, K.P. Schmidt, 1932c, Loveridge, 1945b, E.E. Williams & Parker, 1964, McDowell, 1970, Keogh, 1992, O’Shea, 1996, Zaher et al., 2009 and Hoser, 2012e.