This chapter will explore the prevalence and risk of CVD, the different types of flavonoids, the metabolic functions of flavonoids, the outcomes of flavonoid supplementation on CVD, the potential complications of high-dose supplementation, and the mechanisms of flavonoid-CVD interaction. In addition, this chapter will clarify

13.7.3 Stroke ................................................................................................303 13.8 Proposed Mechanisms of Flavonoid-Induced CVD Prevention and

Treatment ......................................................................................................307 13.9 Conclusion ....................................................................................................309 References .............................................................................................................. 310

some of the gaps and confusing aspects of flavonoid actions as they relate to CVD, including location of bioactivity, acute and chronic intake levels, flavonoids as a treatment or preventative agent, as well as age-appropriate interventions and relevant doses for desired metabolic effects. Finally, the future course for flavonoid research and investigational efforts will be provided.