In a Nutshell: Traditional change management has been around for decades, but is the same old approach really enough to make a difference? More than 70 percent of major change efforts typically fail, and a key reason is that the old culture remains unchanged. Our approach to deploying and obtaining the CCM results outlined in this book has the promise to help clients overcome the odds. Our approach to resultsdelivery focuses on predicting, measuring, and managing risk associated with the change from day one. The result is typically a considerable increase in the odds of success and the support of experts and dedicated partners within the client’s organization who are focused on achieving it. Change management studies report that it is possible to establish leadership, direction, policies, and risk processes relatively quickly, but that embedding risk management into core business processes (such as business planning or performance management) can sometimes take 12-18 months, and full culture change is expected to take several years (estimates of 5 to 7 years are common) and some suggest even as long as 10 years.