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Energy and water resources share an interdependency commonly referred to as the energy-water nexus. Ensuring a safe and abundant water supply requires energy for pumping, treatment, distribution, end use, and remediation. Providing energy services requires water for mining and refining primary fuels, irrigating crops, transporting finished fuels, and cooling thermoelectric power plants. Since each of these resources depends on reliable access to the other, a constraint in one can trigger a constraint in the other. As reliable access to clean water and energy services is a large differentiator between the privileged and the impoverished, managing the energy-water nexus wisely is critical to future growth and prosperity of any society. This chapter describes the relationship between energy and water resources, as well as the trends and challenges facing the energy-water resource management moving forward. It also provides a robust discussion of the technologies, policies, and institutional frameworks that might contribute to the responsible management of energy and water services moving forward.