As Johannes Kepler (among others) observed, the universe is owing and uctuating at dierent time scales and size scales. We only hear a small range of these uctuations as sound, namely, when they vibrate at frequencies between 20 and 20,000 times per second (Hertz or Hz). Similarly, we only see (a dierent) small range of these vibrations as visible light (red through purple). e limits of our senses make it dicult for us to fully appreciate how our cosmos is put together in harmonically (hence musically) meaningful ways. It is this harmony in the proportions and organizations of the parts that make our universe stay together, allowing us to be in it and experience it. It is this harmony that Kepler studied and tried to formalize and communicate through his three laws

of planetary motion. Kepler also tried to map the harmony he observed in the astronomical data available at his time as sounds, that is, to sonify them (Kepler 1619).