The trickling filter process (see Figure 4.1) is one of the oldest forms of dependable biological treatment for wastewater. By its very nature, the trickling filter has advantages over other unit processes. For example, it is a very economical and dependable process for treatment of wastewater prior to discharge. Capable of withstanding periodic shock loading, process energy demands are low because aeration is a natural process. As shown in Figure 4.2, trickling filter operation involves spraying wastewater over a solid media such as rock, plastic, or redwood slats (or laths). As the wastewater trickles over the surface of the media, a growth of microorganisms (bacteria, protozoans, fungi, algae, helminths or worms, and larvae) develops. This growth is visible as a shiny slime very similar to the slime found on rocks in a stream. As wastewater passes over this slime, the slime adsorbs the organic (food) matter. This organic matter is used for food by the microorganisms. At the same time, air moving through the open spaces in the filter transfers oxygen to the wastewater. This oxygen is then transferred to the slime to keep the outer layer aerobic. As the microorganisms use the food and oxygen, they produce more organisms, carbon dioxide, sulfates, nitrates, and other stable byproducts; these materials are then discarded from the slime back into the wastewater flow and are carried out of the filter.