ABSTRACT: Sim ultaneity of both m aterial aspect s and cultural dimensions is an im portant condition be hind conceiving and cons tructing archi tecture. This is also the core in tectonic thinking, when Marco Frascari defines tectonics as being the m eaningful relationship between construction and construed. How do we manage to respond to contem porary challenges of sustainability and industrialization, and at the same time develop architecture with tectonic strength and quality? The concept of ‘m ontage’ is proposed as a means for investigating possible strategies for gene rating an architecture, which on an industrial basis responds to sustainability , and simultaneously reflects the heterogeneity, individuality and adaptation that characterizes today’s society. Montage is both a constructional and an aesthetic str ategy, and hereby it reflects the correlation between material construction and cult ural meaning. Finally two a rchitectural pro - jects are presented, which combine the cultural and the material sides and at the same ti me propose a both pragmatic and innovative approach to prefabrication and sustainability.