Mineralization is indicative of neoplasia in neutered males, but is not as specific in intact dogs. Abdominal ultrasound will provide more information. Ultrasonography should be helpful in the diagnosis of prostatitis, benign prostatic hypertrophy, abscessation, prostatic cysts or neoplasia. Ultrasonographic appearance in combination with ultrasound guided fine needle aspirates may provide a diagnosis. ii. The most common organism in prostatitis infections is Escherichia coli. Other common bacteria include Staphylococcus species, Proteus mirabilis, Klebsiella species, Mycoplasma species and Pseudomonas species. Treatment of prostatitis should include the recommendation of castration. Castration provides involution of hyperplastic glands and decreased prostatic secretory function. Antibiotic therapy is ideally based on culture and sensitivity testing. The blood-lipid barrier in the normal prostate restricts antibiotic penetration of the prostate. In the inflamed prostate, antibiotics likely diffuse well into the tissue. Antibiotics that are known to have good prostate penetration include enroflaxacin, marbofloxacin, trimethoprim-sulfa and chloramphenicol.