There are a number of contraceptive options available to women and couples and the choice of which method to choose and use lies predominantly with them. They should be advised of the different methods available and the benefits and disadvantages of each in order to allow them to make an informed choice. It is important that they should feel in control of their choice so that they are happy  with their method and use it successfully. National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidance advises that clinicians always advise a long-term contraceptive method as these have been found to be far more effective in preventing pregnancy than barrier or oral contraceptives. It is estimated that 30% of pregnancies in the United Kingdom are unplanned. There is a list of rules that should be referred to when prescribing contraceptives known as the U.K. Medical Eligibility Criteria (UKMEC). This,

and other updated guidance reports, is available on the Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare (FSRH) website (www.fsrh.org).