Facility layout and design are an important issue for any business entity’s overall operations, in terms of both maximizing the effectiveness of production processes and meeting the employee needs and/or

10.1 Introduction 213 10.2 Facility Layout Problem 215 10.3 Literature Search 218 10.4 SLP, Deltahedron, and Nadler’s Approaches 220 10.5 Case Study 221

10.5.1 Company 221 10.5.2 Problem 221 10.5.3 Methodology 222 10.5.4 Relocating the PTD Division 223 Production Capacity, Departments, and Their Abbreviations in PTD Division 223 Analysis of the Existing Layout 225 Alternative Layouts 225

10.5.5 Evaluation of Alternative Layouts 226 10.6 Conclusion 232 References 233

desires. Facility layout is defined by Weiss and Gershon (1993) as “the physical arrangement of everything needed for the product or service, including machines, personnel, raw materials, and finished goods. The criteria for a good layout necessarily relate to people (personnel and customers), materials (raw, finished, and in processes), machines, and their interactions.”