Mediterranean diets, in general, are characterized by low consumption of milk as a beverage, while other dairy products, especially cheese and yogurt, are consumed almost every day in moderate amounts. Yogurt, a fermented milk product, has been a popular food in many Mediterranean regions for centuries, but cheese likely ranks as the foremost dairy product. Most dairy foods, such as milk, cheese, and yogurt, are good-to-excellent sources of protein and calcium, and they provide significant amounts of many B vitamins. For individuals who are lactose intolerant, lactose-free dairy products are available, as well as plant-based milk and cheese products, such as soy, almond, and rice milks and soy cheese. As a fermented milk product, yogurt contains health-promoting probiotic bacteria that may be beneficial to the gut microflora. Greek-style yogurts have approximately the same number of calories as regular yogurts but are higher in protein and lower in calcium than most other yogurts.