The Young Person with CFIDS (YPWC) and their parents speak out about their experiences in coming to terms with chronic fatigue immune dysfunction syndrome (CFIDS) : Hope is their message. As YPWCs shared their stories, the authors were intrigued to note some amazing similarities and an overall sense of strength and hope in their accounts. When YPWCs hear others' stories, many are astonished-and relieved-to learn how similar their thoughts and feelings are to those of other YPWCs, even when the other young people live in different communities or different countries. The stage of having symptoms but remaining undiagnosed may also create tremendous self-doubt in YPWC. Due to the widespread lack of acceptance for CFIDS, children may experience confusion, along with relief, when they receive the diagnosis. The next aspect of identity formation is developing a continuous sense of self that links the past, present, and future.