INTRODUCTION \Jowadays we realize more and more that the availabili ty of natural resources is imited and that , therefore, all kinds of materials have to be used more efficiently . ~egard ing materials science , this implies that highly technological materials wi th Jptimized property-to-weight ratio have to be developed. Due to complex se rvice ·equi rements, modern materials and components typica ily have to possess a comJination of varied properties . For example , not only strength but also ductility , :orrosion resistance, etc., are required. Sometimes it is even necessary for the ;urface of a component to have properties ot her than those of the bulk. Nowadays, nateria\s with properties graded into the surface are qui te popular. In order to nodify the surface properties and to arrive at the surface / bulk property combilation desired, there is also a possibility of generating nonequilibrium phases in a ;urface layer.