MATLAB® and Octave as well as the way in which we can

manipulate and carry out operations with them. As it turns

out, row and column vectors are special cases of matrices.

A =

A =

one row

The same syntax that was used for vectors can be applied

here: instead of entering a new line to define a row, we can

In this way, the matrices defined above, namely, A and B, are A row-vector can be thought of as a 1× n array and a column vector an m× 1 one.3× 2 matrices whereas C is 3× 3. With this notation, we can

vector is

The size or dimensions of a matrix defined in MATLAB

In the example above we can verify the dimensions of the

matrices that we defined in the previous section. Notice

that the first number returned corresponds to the number

of rows, whereas the second one to the number of columns.