Evaporated milk is the commercial name of sterilized, unsweetened condensed cow’s milk from which a considerable portion of the water has been removed (Nieuwenhuijse 2011a). Thus, evaporated milk is a product with high solids content and its processing includes standardization, homogenization, concentration and sterilization. The FDA Standard of Identity 21 131.130 for evaporated milk specifi es a minimum of 6.5% milk fat, 16.5% milk solids-non-fat, 23% total milk solids and indicates a specifi ed quantity of added Vitamin D or Vitamin A per fl uid ounce. Similar milk products are evaporated skimmed milk, evaporated low-fat milk, evaporated fi lled milk, and evaporated goat’s milk (FDA 2011a). However, the Codex Alimentarius standard requires evaporated milk to have at least 7.5% milk fat, 25% total milk solids and 34% milk protein solids-not-fat. The Codex also has specifi cations for similar products including evaporated skimmed milk, evaporated partly skimmed milk, and evaporated high fat milk (Codex 2010a).