NASAL ANATOMY 1. Correctly identify the anatomic components of the nose on the diagram below.

Five of the nine options will be used (Fig. 96-1).

Fig. 96-1

Options: a. Nasal bone b. Upper lateral cartilage c. Medial crus of lower lateral cartilage d. Lateral crus of lower lateral cartilage e. Middle crus of lower lateral cartilage

f. Nasal septum g. Inferior nasal spine h. Keystone area i. Scroll area

2. A patient with unresolving unilateral Bell’s palsy is seen in clinic, as they are experiencing problems with nasal obstruction. Paralysis of which one of the following muscles is most likely to be responsible for their symptoms? A. Nasalis B. Depressor septi nasi C. Buccinator

D. Levator labii alaeque nasi E. Levator labii superioris

See Essentials of Plastic Surgery, second edition, pp. 1203-1229.