SOFT TISSUE LAYERS OF THE FACE 1. When performing surgery on the face, directly under which anatomic layer

would the main neurovascular structures normally be located? A. Skin B. Subcutaneous tissue C. SMAS

D. Mimetic muscles E. Deep facial fascia

2. The SMAS is a key structure in rhytidectomy and is continuous with other anatomic fascial planes. Which one of the following layers is distinct from the SMAS layer? A. Temporoparietal fascia B. Superficial cervical fascia C. Parotidomasseteric fascia

D. Frontalis and platysmal fascia E. Zygomaticus major fascia

3. Which one of the following represents the site where the SMAS is both thickest and fixed? A. The parotid B. The neck C. The temple

D. The midface E. The brow

4. When performing surgery on the temple, just lateral to the brow, running on which structure would you expect to find the frontal branch of the facial nerve? A. Temporoparietal fascia B. Parotidotemporal fascia C. Superficial layer of the deep

temporal fascia

D. Deep layer of the deep temporal fascia E. Superficial temporal fat pad

FACIAL FAT COMPARTMENTS 5. Which one of the following is true of the facial fat compartments?