Our company manufactured small hobby backyard greenhouses that were prefabricated from aluminum framework and fiberglass covering� The package came with all components of heating, cooling, and a hydroponic system� At that time gravel culture was the easiest method of hydroponics� Located in a temperate climate that had short, rainy, cold weather from late fall to early spring, backyard greenhouses would offer a new dimension to gardening during those seasons when no traditional outside gardening was possible� Most people really enjoyed the presence of houseplants in their homes year-round, but were not able to grow vegetables inside due to the messiness of soil growing� People working all day at their normal jobs would leave the house in the early morning when it was still dark and return in the evening under dark winter conditions� They missed the outside activity of gardening during the winter months� Our backyard greenhouses were equipped with artificial supplementary lights that extended the day length to 14 hours, so when clients returned from work in the evening they would go into the greenhouse and live summer conditions with all of their plants growing� Most of our customers integrated the rejuvenation of house plants into the greenhouse with the vegetable crops and soon wished that they had a larger greenhouse�

Hydroponic culture had a fascination in itself for the clients� Clients wished to learn more about the nutrients, different hydroponic growing systems, plant care, and pest management� The interest grew and soon I became involved in teaching extension classes on hydroponics during the evenings at the University of British Columbia� Many of the students were owners of our greenhouses� The students often asked me to write a book on hydroponics as there was no real compiled information from one source, but just bits and pieces from various papers and journals� That was the birth of my first book, Hydroponic Food Production, in 1978�

Growing hydroponically offers very clean conditions without any soil� Plants inside the backyard greenhouse are protected from many insects and diseases and keep the vegetables away from contact with soil� The vegetables are grown to full mature stage, so flavor and nutrition is beyond what could be experienced in storebought products� This heightened flavor and nutrition of healthy products grown by the hobbyist is very self-satisfying� People with backyard greenhouses produce lettuce, herbs, tomatoes, peppers, and cucumbers out of season to backyard outside gardening� Lettuce and herbs can be grown constantly by sowing and transplanting new crops weekly, whereas the vine crops are seeded in October as the outside garden comes to an end� With artificial lights in the greenhouse (cool-white or T5, highoutput, fluorescent) located above the beds (3) of plants, it is possible to get tomatoes in production by January and peppers by February� Production continues until midsummer when outside gardening provides these same crops� The greenhouse crop is changed during August-September, the greenhouse cleaned, and a new crop started by October again�

If the hobby grower wishes to grow other vegetables such as radish, chard, arugula, green onions, bush beans, and others, he can easily do so in the greenhouse� The type of hydroponic system to use then depends upon the crop as we discussed in Chapter 15� Lettuce, arugula, basil, and some other herbs do best in nutrient film technique (NFT), while root crops such as radish would be in a peatlite mix� Having these salads available fresh during winter months is a unique experience for backyard growers� They may share them with family and friends imparting a feeling of pride and accomplishment that others cannot do without a backyard greenhouse (Figure 18�1)�

The transition from a wintery environment outside to a tropical paradise inside the greenhouse with light and pleasant temperatures offers an escape from the depressing ambient weather conditions� It lifts the hobbyists from their reality of work and darkness into an environment not experienced at that time of the year� This psychological effect on people with the surroundings of plants raises their spirits to be more positive and energetic with their normal daily routines� The greenhouse is a sanctuary, a special garden retreat from the everyday hustle and bustle� With your senses bathed in solitude with light and abounding aromas of live plants, you relax as you tend the plants or simply sit and savor the sweet smells of the surrounding nature� It is a place to unwind, read a book, or enjoy a cup of tea conversing with a friend or your soul mate� The greenhouse environment takes you on a mini-vacation to a tropical paradise�

Hobby hydroponic greenhouse growing is very educational for children, introducing them to the miracles of nature in the growing of food� They learn that their food does not grow on supermarket shelves� They will be thrilled by the development of plants from seed to producing vegetables in the environment of the greenhouse� Students can carry out science projects on plant nutrition and nutrient solutions applying their school chemistry to something that actually materializes in food production� Overall, it will give them an appreciation for the amount of work involved in producing crops and teach them some self-reliance of growing their own vegetables in the greenhouse, and later during spring and summer they can extend their interest to having their own vegetable garden outside� They can start their plants in the greenhouse as bedding plants and later transplant them to their outdoor vegetable garden� Of course, this also applies to the hobby greenhouse grower who can start all of his or her flowers and vegetables from seeds in trays in the greenhouse and plant them outside when temperatures are favorable� Sow tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, herbs, and flowers of your varietal choice in the greenhouse during March to April to begin your outdoor gardening in May�

Owning a backyard greenhouse is an investment in your enjoyment of nature, your peace of mind, and your family’s health!