Summary ............................................................................................... 242 11.1 Introduction .................................................................................. 242 11.2 Experimental ................................................................................ 245 11.3 Results and Discussion ................................................................ 246 11.4 Conclusions .................................................................................. 252 Keywords .............................................................................................. 253 References ............................................................................................. 253


The new methods of the nanosized inhibited pigments synthesis have been developed based on the zinc phosphate and/or (poly)phosphate. This permits to create the new competitive materials for their application in paint and varnish industry under the industrial conditions. It was shown, that the acrylic monomers can be used as the effective modifiers of the zinc phosphate nanoplates surface [1]. At studying of the monomer nature and its concentration influence on a size and on a form of the obtained nanoplates it was determined, that at the butyl methacrylate using as the surface’s modifier the plates by the average size 200 ± 70 nm and by the thickness < 20 nm can be obtained. With the use of the electrochemical impedance spectroscopy the anticorrosion activity of the obtained pigment in composition of the undercoatings [2] was investigated. It was determined, that at the addition of 1% mass. of the zinc nanophosphate the efficiency of the undercoating is higher in comparison with the sample containing of 5% mass of the “Novinox PZ02” pigment.