Soware developers have pervasive needs for data, such as activity traces, issue reporting, and coding resources necessary to transform existing code, due to the revision control methods (or version control) necessary for collaboration through web-based interfaces. Developers spend a signicant amount of time processing data just to maintain awareness of the activities of fellow developers (Biehl et al. 2007). With the rise of social media and its application in soware engineering, soware developers need to be aware of an overwhelming amount of information from various sources, such as coworkers, interesting developers, trends, repositories, and conversations. A paradox exists wherein there is simply too much information and too little awareness of the knowledge and resources that this information contains. Community awareness is not only important for day-to-day activities, but it is also necessary in order for developers to stay current with the development landscape and industry change (Singer et al. 2014), to make decisions about projects (Buse and Zimmerman 2012), and to make connections with others based on the data revealed in public (Singer et al. 2013). Millions of soware developers all over the world continuously generate new social and productive activities across multiple platforms. It is dicult for developers to maintain awareness of the breadth of the information generated by the larger community while also maintaining awareness of individual projects of which they are a part. e overwhelming amount of activity awareness can reduce the transparency of the underlying community of soware developers. In an eort to increase the transparency of a thriving community and to improve awareness of available resources, this chapter will describe how developers’ activity log data may be collected and analyzed and will provide potential applications of how results may be presented to the public in order to make resources more available and searchable.