Canine/feline hookworm common along southern Atlantic seacoast and Caribbean. Transcutaneous infection and rodent paratenic hosts. PPP= Kittens shed eggs as early as 2 weeks after birth (transmammary infection). Dx: Elongate, ovoid (60 µm long), thin-shelled egg passed in feces in the 8-celled stage, is indistinguishable from Ancylostoma caninum. Ancylostoma eggs are smaller than Uncinaria eggs. If eggs develop and hatch in feces. L1 (300-400 µm) will have a short esophagus with a bulb at its base and a small genital primordium (compare with Strongyloides). Adult Habitat: Small intestine. Similar Species: Ancylostoma caninum. Range: Southern Atlantic seacoast and Caribbean. Clinical Signs: Regenerative anemia. Ancylostoma braziliensis causes less blood loss than Ancylostoma tubaeforme, so is less likely to cause acute disease. Potential Zoonosis: Cutaneous larva migrans in the southeastern United States and Caribbean islands. Tx: Drugs to clear the adult infections at the labeled dose include: