filaroides osleri Dog nodular lung parasite. Larvae in the feces and saliva/vomit are directly infectious. PPP= 6 months. Dx: View nodules via bronchoscopy at bifurcation of trachea or L1, in vomit, feces, or transtracheal wash fluid. Larvae (250 µm long) in feces using zincsulfate flotation; long esophagus (1/2 body length) and a distinctive kink before tail tip. F. hirthi is straight tipped. Adult Habitat: Nodules in the terminal trachea and bronchi. Similar Species: The five nematode larvae that can be found in dog feces include: Strongyloides stercoralis, Filaroides osleri, Filaroides hirthi, Crenosoma vulpis, and hatched Ancylostoma larvae. Range: World. Clinical Signs: Exercise-induced dry cough, dyspnea. Tx: No approved drug. Remove nodules via bronchoscopy; oxfendazole (10 mg/kg, q24 hr for 28 days), prednisone (0.5 mg/kg, q 24 hr for 5 days post-nodule removal).