Canine whipworm, common in dogs >3 months. Direct life cycle. PPP= 3 months. Dx: Egg in feces is brown, lemon-shaped, with polar plugs and a smooth shell, and about as long (80 µm) as a Toxocara canis egg is wide. Capillarid eggs found in dog feces are smaller than Trichuris vulpis. Adult Habitat: Cecum, when present in numbers >100 also in colon. Similar Species: None. Range: World. Most common in areas with clay soils. Clinical Signs: Large bowel diarrhea (large numbers) ± anemia. Reddishbrown feces in heavy infections. Tx: Different spectrum of drugs than for roundworms and hookworms. Active products are benzimidazoles and milbemycin oxime. Three heartworm preventative products (Filaribits Plus®, Interceptor®, and Sentinel™) have activity against whipworms. Drugs used at the labeled dose include: