Feline (canine) flea tapeworm acquired by eating an infected flea. PPP= 3 weeks. Dx: Tapeworm segments (250 to 1000 µm long) or egg balls (2 to 30 eggs/ball) in feces. Segments: recognized by paired lateral reproductive openings containing egg balls. Egg balls vary in size from a Toxocara eggs (if only contains a few) to 2 or 3 times the diameter of a Toxocara egg (if contains around 30 eggs). Adult Habitat: Small intestine. Similar Species: Other tapeworm segments found in cat feces: Taenia taeniaeformis (reproductive pores on only one side), Spirometra (medial pore), and Mesocestoides (parauterine organ). Range: World. Clinical Signs: Asymptomatic. Motile segments appear on perianal fur of cat. Potential Zoonosis: Occasionally infection occurs in children who ingest an infected flea. Usually asymptomatic, but motile segments may appear in diapers. Tx: Approved drugs for Dipylidium caninum are formulated with either praziquantel or epsiprantel and are very efficacious as labeled.