paragonimus kellicotti Lung fluke of the cat acquired by eating infected crayfish or rodent hosts. PPP= 5 to 7 weeks. Dx: Eggs (70 to 100 µm long) in feces or tracheal wash fluid are brown with seated operculum and a small bump on other end. Chest radiographs may show air-filled cysts or tissue densities (up to 1 cm) usually in the caudodorsal lung fields. Tracheal wash may contain eggs. Elevated eosinophil numbers. Adult Habitat: Cysts in lungs. Similar Species: A number of species reported from dogs and cats around the world. Eggs must be distinguished from Spirometra and Diphyllobothrium. Range: P. kellicotti in North America, but other species around the world. Clinical Signs: Usually asymptomatic. Main sign is coughing (mild to paroxysmal). Pneumothorax can occur if cysts rupture resulting in respiratory distress. Must differentiate from asthma, heartworm, cardiac disease, and Aelurostrongylus infection. Tx: No approved drug. Praziquantel given at elevated dosages for several days is efficacious: