Economy Monetary unit New Taiwan

dollar (NT$) Exchange rate (average fourth quarter of 2013) to: The pound sterling NT$47.80 The US dollar NT$29.54 The euro NT$40.19 The yen × 100 NT$29.43 Average annual inflation (2009-2013) 0.86% Inflation rate 0.8% Gross domestic product (GDP) (2013 forecast) NT$14,480 bn GDP per capital NT$620,274 Average annual real change in GDP (2009-2013 forecast) 3.27% Private consumption as a proportion of GDP (2012) 60.1% Public consumption as a proportion of GDP (2012) 12.4% Investment as a proportion of GDP (2012) 19.9%



The gross output of construction in 2012 was NT$399.7 billion, equivalent to US$13.2 billion or 2.8% of GDP. The net output of construction in 2012 was approximately NT$377.7 billion, equivalent to US$12.2 billion or 2.7% of GDP.