Inta feen? means “where are you?” in Arabic, and IntaFeen.com is a mobile check-in service like Foursquare but localized for the Arab World.2 Convoy drivers used IntaFeen to digitally check in at different stops along the way to the border and later while en route to Tripoli. Their families and friends back home could then keep track of their progress on a digital map. These digital check-ins also enabled the activists back in Egypt

to coordinate the convoys and inform their Libyan counterparts accordingly. Some volunteers who went along with the convoys also connected their IntaFeen check-ins with Twitter and Facebook, which meant that their updates would not only appear on the IntaFeen map, but also get automatically tweeted and posted on their Facebook wall. This networked social media dynamic created an interesting side effect: the sharing of these updates within and across various social networks galvanized even more Egyptians to volunteer their time and resulted in several additional convoys to Tripoli.3