We live in a world of ever-growing threats that we cannot seem to foresee or stop. Combating terrorism will be a continuous challenge but it does not have to be a burden on everyday life. The last decade has enormously taxed our counterterrorism resources because we have been tactically and strategically ghting terrorism on a global scale. After 9/11, U.S. counterterrorism efforts all got rolled up under one label, the “global war on terror.” It included an insurgency in Afghanistan, an insurgency in Iraq, disabling Al Qaeda, bringing all Jihadist extremists responsible for heinous crimes to justice, tracking militant Islamists who were plotting to carry out attacks, and controlling homegrown radicalized groups that are planning destruction inside our borders.* Controlling the spread of terrorism is important but we have to nd a way to incorporate vigilance, deterrence, and resilience into everyday life or we will remain overwhelmed.