Undeniably, nutrition is of primary importance to the anatomical and physiological devel­ opment and maintenance of the human body This complex multicellular entity consists of organ systems and tissue working in synthium to support growth, maturation, defense, and reproduction. From an evolutionary perspective, humans developed into bipedal pri­ mates endowed with enormously expanded cerebral hemispheres, particularly the frontal lobes, which are responsible for intelligent behavior and muscular dexterity. These charac­ teristics allow humans to move agilely in various directions, investigate their environment, and understand and learn complex behaviors. Unlike other animals, these characteristics also allow humans the potential to investigate and comprehend the importance of their own nutrition. In a general sense, humans are inhalation units and food processors, com­ bustion units for energy molecules, as well as storage facilities for excessive energy, waste removing and defensive, internally and externally communicative, locomotive, and repro­ duction capable. All of these functions are founded and/or influenced by nutritional intake.