There are several levels of visual factory management or visual management systems within a Lean enterprise. Visual management systems are made up of the following components: Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, and Shitsuke (5S); visual displays; and visual controls. It is a work area that is: self-explaining, self-regulating, and self-improving. Management must provide the training and resources to ensure 5S succeeds. 5S has two major components—housekeeping and discipline. Using red tags is helpful when establishing the 5Ss. The red-tag strategy helps identify and separate out needed items from unneeded items. Once tagged, items are then placed in a cordoned-off area to be dispositioned at a later time. Visual displays, such as signs and bulletin boards, do not suggest or enforce any action. They only communicate the name of an area, machine, or some other type of information. Visual management is a system where a device or devices are installed to detect or prevent defects or injury from occurring.