Disease surveillance, or the “continuous, systematic collection, analysis and interpretation of health-related data needed for the planning, implementation, and evaluation of public health practice,” is a critical function of public health. The purpose of disease surveillance systems is to collect and analyze information on the health of populations so that policy makers can prioritize and target timely and actionable services to areas of greatest need. mHealth strategies are already being harnessed to bridge the gaps in disease surveillance, either through the use of mobile electronic data collection platforms within extant systems, or via large integrated electronic surveillance systems that can help coordinate global responses to disease outbreaks. The potential for the use of mHealth for disease surveillance—in data collection, analysis, and dissemination facilitating timely identification and coordinated response to outbreaks—is clear. The national Malaria Consortium in Cambodia has developed a set of e- and mHealth tools to identify cases of malaria and track essential medical supplies at health facilities.