In Chapter 2, the review of early research history established that the traditional sensorimotor rhythm (SMR)/beta protocols of electroencephalogram (EEG) biofeedback were quite eective in managing the canonical symptoms of attention decit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Our own role in that development is covered in detail in two book chapters.1,2 Six comparison studies have now been done that unanimously found an essential equivalence between EEG training in the classical manner and state-of-the art pharmacological management. ese comparisons typically relied strongly on the results of continuous performance tests (CPTs) of attention. ese tests do not give us a handle on the hyperactivity component, for which one needs to rely on the observations of parents, teachers, or trained observers. ese have their obvious shortcomings. Nevertheless, the essential ndings are no longer in any doubt. Neurofeedback is competitive with standard medical treatment in the management of ADHD.