In this chapter we introduce the basic concept of a quantum harmonic oscillator, and how such oscillators couple to their environment. Our purpose is not to exhaustively cover all aspects of such systems, but rather to provide the foundation material required to treat the quantum mechanics of mechanical resonators and optical cavities – and their interactions – in later chapters. The quantum fluctuation-dissipation theorem is derived relating the power spectral density of environmental forcing of an oscillator to the rate of energy decay from the oscillator into the environment. This is in direct analogy to the familiar fluctuation-dissipation theorem in classical physics. However, in contrast to the classical case, the noncommutation of position and momentum introduces an asymmetry between the positive and negative frequency components of the power spectrum. This provides a natural definition for the effective temperature of the oscillator. The quantum Langevin approach is introduced as a method to model the open dynamics of quantum systems, both with and without recourse to the rotating wave approximation.